CE UK CA Stillages & Material Handling Solutions Manufactured in the UK

Project/Manufacturing Engineers with over 100 year experience

Experts in Process Management Providing Material Handling Solutions

We Deliver Throughout The United Kingdom

All Materials All Responsible Sourced

Our Fabricators are tested to BS EN 1090 Standards

Ensuring Compliance: How to Inspect Stillages According to PUWER Regulations

Regular inspection of your stillages are crucial for identifying potential hazards, maintaining compliance, and ensuring a safe work environment. Let’s explore the essential steps to effectively inspect stillages and uphold PUWER regulations.

  1. Establish Inspection Frequency: Determine the inspection frequency based on usage intensity, work environment, and manufacturer’s recommendations. Regular inspections are vital for ongoing compliance and hazard identification.
  2. Visual Inspection: Thoroughly inspect stillages visually. Look for signs of damage, wear, or deterioration. Check frames, welds, joints, locks, fasteners, and moving parts for cracks, corrosion, or other defects.
  3. Stacking and Stability: Assess the stacking of stillages for stability and structural integrity. Confirm proper alignment, even stacking, and adherence to manufacturer’s stacking limits. Watch for signs of instability.
  4. Load Capacity Verification: Verify that stillages‘ load capacity matches manufacturer’s specifications. Ensure loads do not exceed maximum ratings to maintain structural integrity and mitigate safety risks.
  5. Functional Checks: Test locking mechanisms, hinges, and other moving parts to ensure smooth and secure operation. Confirm the functionality of safety features, such as locking pins or latches.
  6. Documentation and Record-Keeping: Maintain detailed inspection records, including dates, findings, and any corrective actions taken. This documentation demonstrates compliance and facilitates monitoring of recurring issues.
  7. Addressing Defects: Take appropriate action to address identified defects, such as repairing or replacing damaged components and tightening loose fasteners. Seek professional assistance for complex repairs.
  8. Employee Involvement: Encourage employee participation by fostering a safety culture where defects and concerns are promptly reported. Employees play a crucial role in maintaining equipment integrity.

By conducting regular inspections and promptly addressing any identified defects, employers can ensure stillages comply with PUWER regulations. This reduces the risk of accidents, promotes a safe working environment, and ensures compliance with relevant standards. At Stillages & Cages, we prioritize safety and compliance, providing high-quality stillages designed to meet industry standards.