CE UK CA Stillages & Material Handling Solutions Manufactured in the UK

Project/Manufacturing Engineers with over 100 year experience

Experts in Process Management Providing Material Handling Solutions

We Deliver Throughout The United Kingdom

All Materials All Responsible Sourced

Our Fabricators are tested to BS EN 1090 Standards

Understanding LOLER Regulations and Their Application to Stillages

While LOLER primarily focuses on the safe use and operation of lifting equipment, stillages can fall under its scope if lifting equipment is involved in handling or moving them. Let’s delve into how LOLER regulations may apply to stillages and the key considerations for compliance.

  1. Thorough Examination: If lifting equipment covered by LOLER, such as forklifts or cranes, is used to lift or transport stillages, the lifting equipment itself would be subject to LOLER’s thorough examination requirements. This examination ensures the lifting equipment’s safety and the proper working condition of any attachments, including stillages.
  2. Load Capacity and Stability: LOLER regulations emphasise the importance of load capacity and stability for lifting equipment. When stillages are used in lifting operations, it is crucial to consider their load-bearing capacity and stability to ensure they can safely support the intended loads. Adherence to manufacturer’s specifications and relevant industry standards is essential, and overloading of stillages should be avoided.
  3. Risk Assessment and Safe Use: LOLER requires employers to conduct risk assessments for lifting operations. If stillages are involved in lifting activities, employers should assess the risks associated with their use. Factors such as handling methods, stacking heights, and securing of stillages during transportation should be considered. Adequate training, supervision, and safe operating procedures should be established to mitigate identified risks.
  4. Maintenance and Inspection: While LOLER primarily focuses on the thorough examination of lifting equipment, employers should also ensure proper maintenance and inspection of stillages. Regular inspections help identify any damage, wear and tear, or structural issues that could compromise the safe use of stillages. Prompt attention to maintenance or repair needs is crucial to ensure continued safety and compliance in lifting operations involving stillages.

Although stillages are not explicitly mentioned in LOLER regulations, their use may fall within the scope of LOLER if lifting equipment is involved in their handling or transportation. Compliance with LOLER regulations ensures the safe use of lifting equipment and promotes a secure working environment. It is important to consult local regulations, industry guidelines, and seek advice from health and safety professionals or legal experts familiar with LOLER to ensure compliance in your specific context. At Lowe Stillages & Cages, we prioritise safety and compliance, providing you with reliable stillages designed to meet industry standards and guidelines.